LEVIS partner ITAINNOVA hostsed an online conference on 21-25 November 2022. The first day of TECHWEEK was dedicated to “Sustainable Mobility”: Mobility faces the challenge, especially in large cities, of generating new, less polluting models that support the new mobility demands of citizens. In the coming years, autonomous and clean vehicles, interconnected mobility, and intelligent systems for the distribution of goods will be key. The TECHWEEK aims at any company or organization that wants to learn first-hand about the challenges that must be addressed for the future of society.
ITAINNOVA has been engaged in a process of reflection with leading players in each area to design innovative solutions aligned with each of their challenges, identified 5 areas that will have a great impact on society in the coming years, and set up 5 events:
21/11/2022: Sustainable Mobility
22/11/2022: Digital Agroindustry
23/11/2022: Efficient and Circular Industry
24/11/2022: Intelligent Health
25/11/2022: Clean Energy
The EU Project LEVIS was presented by Agustín Chiminelli from ITAINNOVA on 21 November 2022, 12:10 – 12:25 pm.
Picture and event info credits: II TechWeek | Movilidad Sostenible – ITAINNOVA