Light materials for Electric vehicles

Technological Institute of Aragón, Itainnova (ITA)
Year of Foundation
ITAINNOVA is a non-profit technology centre whose main objective is to promote competitiveness in the industrial sector by means of the development, acquisition, adaptation, transfer and diffusion of innovative technologies. ITAINNOVA works on 4 main technological areas: Materials Engineering, Robotics & Mechatronics, Power Electronics & EMC and Digital Technologies. The Materials Engineering Division integrates 71 researchers and technicians and includes the Materials Laboratory, focused on new materials development and advanced characterisation techniques, and the Materials and Structures Modelling and Simulation Group, focused on the development of advanced models of materials and components, multiscale techniques, Reduced Order Modelling and optimisation tools applied to product and process simulation. Besides traditional metallic materials, our activity is focused on engineering plastics and composites, elastomers, adhesives, paper/paperboard and fluid and heat transfer. ITAINNOVA has a vast expertise in the modelling and simulation of a wide variety of materials and processes, mainly acquired through project contracts with national and international industrial companies.
ROLE In the project
ITAINNOVA is the project coordinator and will lead the work package on modelling and simulation, where a computational methodology to evaluate the structural integrity of the products made with the manufacturing processes and materials proposed in LEVIS will be developed. ITAINNOVA will also propose a methodology to evaluate the demonstrator behaviour under fatigue load and a Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) system that will be implemented to monitor the integrity and functionality of each of the use cases. ITAINNOVA will also work on the introduction of magnetic nanoparticles and thermally expandable particles in structural adhesives aimed at providing debonding-on-demand capabilities in joints, which will facilitate the reuse and the recycling of materials.