Light materials for Electric vehicles


LEVIS Project Video

We are excited to announce the release of the LEVIS project video, providing a close look at our advancements in developing advanced lightweight materials for sustainable EVs...

LEVIS White Paper Released

The LEVIS project is pleased to announce the publication of its white paper, "Advancing Lightweight Materials for Sustainable Electric Vehicles: Policy Recommendations from...

Online Consortium Meeting

The M39 Consortium Meeting held remotely on 22 May 2024 highlighted significant progress for the LEVIS team. As the project nears its completion in July, we are delighted to...

Demo 1 Showcase at JEC World 2024

JEC World gathers the whole value chain of the composite materials industry in Paris (France) every year and is “the place to be” for composites professionals from all over...

Pioneering Study Published

We are thrilled to announce the publication of our latest scientific study "Metal-Composite Hybrid Joint Adhesion and Testing Optimization for Electric Vehicle Application" in...

Meet Blanca Lekube from Leartiker

On February 11, 2024, the world celebrates the 9th International Day of Women and Girls in Science, advocating for equal opportunities in science, technology, engineering, and...